Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm Addicted to You

My Nylon Tear Sheet

I've recently come to the conclusion that I'm addicted to fashion magazines. Even though we now have so many resources on the web to turn to for the latest fashion news, I'd still rather my hard copy. There's something about getting a new magazine in the mail or at the counter that is exciting, fun, and almost calming. To me, they're not just picture books, but fashion encyclopedias full of ideas and information. At one point, I was almost hoarder status saving stacks of magazine like they were an inherited treasure. Now, I just tear out the pages I like and preserve them in plastic sheets in a nice big three ring binder, which serves as a great source for inspiration whether I have blogger's block or just trying to find something to wear. As we speak, I am now waiting to further feed my addiction with my new subscription to W and Harper's Bazaar. What are some of your favorite magazines?


  1. I totalllly agree with you haha :)
    It's gotta be the good ol' Vogue!

    X Laila - EnvySplendour

  2. So true, getting a magazine in the mail is like getting a present for Christmas to me haha :) I'm totally a hoarder too, I have enormous stacks of magazines I refuse to let go of!

  3. i just threw all of my mags away! im sure i"ll misss them later on but at the moment my room looks so much less cluttered! im a disorganized person!
